Comparison Central: The Best Scanning Apps For Amazon Sellers

June 27, 2017 Allison Hess


We’ve given you some of our favorite apps for Amazon sellers, but now we’re going to take a deeper look at comparing scanning and scouting apps in particular.


Amazon sellers use scanning apps to determine the profitability of potential items they might want to sell. Basically, you scan an item and the app gives you the information about that unit. Some scouting apps will show how much you could theoretically profit on a given item, while others also track your profits versus inventory.


Although there are several scanning apps out there, two pop up time and time again: Scoutify and Profit Bandit. We will compare these two popular scanning apps based on price, features, and ease of use. You’ll notice that both software are available on mobile devices. Your 24/7 business needs all-access at all times, and mobile info gives you important information where and when you need it.


We are not including the Amazon Seller app in this comparison sheet because it is an Amazon-specific software. It does not compare competitors’ prices or deal with other marketplaces. While the Amazon Seller app is a crucial resource for all Amazon sellers, we recommend using a third-party scanning app. Third-party apps can integrate with other quality software, and they provide a wider lens with which to view products.



Scoutify is Inventory Lab’s scouting and scanning app. When you purchase an Inventory Lab subscription, you gain free access to Scoutify. Inventory Lab is made to track and monitor your inventory’s profitability; Scoutify is Inventory Lab’s ultimate resource in that you can scan new items and determine your potential profitability if you were to add that unit to your inventory list.


The Benefits of Scoutify 

  1. Scoutify offers an easy-to-read summary of each item. In one glance, you can see: name of the item, picture, category, size tier, sales rank, offers, pricing for new and used, FBA, and merchant fulfilled sellers.
  1. It compares FBA prices across channels, including eBay and Google Shopping. This makes researching potential markets and products quick and easy.
  1. It integrates with third-party software like CamelCamelCamel and Keepa. This helps you access sales rank and pricing history for potential and current products; this is useful to help you decide how an item would fit in with your current branding and pricing structure.
  1. It shows gross and net profit on items you are scanning. It will take the basic info it gathers from the different marketplaces and also applies FBA and shipping fees. You can then enter in your own information, such as the cost of goods, packaging, sales tax, and other overhead per piece. It immediately calculates your margins, ROI, and how much you would make on that product! 
  1. It allows you to create a buy list. On Scoutify, you can create a list of the items you buy and sell. Inventory Lab then tracks that list to monitor how quickly the items sell, the commission given to affiliates and sources, your ROI, and if you have room for expansion. Basically, Scoutify is able to take you from scanning potential unit to tracking and expanding new product lines. 
  1. It is available for iPhone and Android with Bluetooth capabilities, so you can use it with hardware scanners as well. This is especially important in large warehouse settings.
  1. It’s one of the fastest and most efficient barcode scanners on the market!


The Downsides 

Despite Scoutify’s strong popularity in the market, it has two negatives with which users are generally displeased.


  1. It only works for Amazon sellers. Although it will compare prices and info across channels, like eBay, it only is applicable to Amazon sellers. If you sell on multiple marketplaces, Scoutify will not be able to merge the data or assist you in selling on these other sites. For example, if you sell the same product on eBay and Amazon, it will only track the buy list of your Amazon products.
  1. You need an Inventory Lab subscription in order to have access. You can’t purchase Scoutify alone. Because Inventory Lab’s subscription is on the pricier side at $49 per month, some beginner Amazon sellers can’t afford this.


However, we definitely recommend investing in Inventory Lab and Scoutify once you’ve got your feet wet; it’s the best way to quickly and easily grow your business.


Profit Bandit

Profit Bandit, powered by SellerEngine, had a dip in users for a while because they switched pricing from a flat rate to a monthly charge despite continuing glitches in the system. However, Profit Bandit has recently come back full force by updating their software and providing new levels of services to users.


Many of the features of Profit Bandit are similar to that of Scoutify. It links to CamelCamelCamel and Keepa to check sales history, and it will exhibit info it takes across different marketplaces. It also calculates potential profit based on 15 different factors. However, it has three unique benefits.


The Benefits

  1. Profit Bandit will tell you which items are restricted. Scoutify will flag those items that may be restricted for your business and brand, but it is not nearly as reliable as Profit Bandit. You don’t want to waste time and money investing in launching a product—only to find out you don’t have the Amazon qualifications. Profit Bandit tries to ensure this doesn’t happen. 
  1. It has significant customer support. Profit Bandit is proud of their strong Seller Engine community. They also offer personalized interactions and support for scouting.
  1. It works for multi-marketplace sellers. While Scoutify is only useful for Amazon sellers comparing across platforms, Profit Bandit works to sell across those different sites. This means that if you sell the same products on Amazon, eBay, and your own personal website, Profit Bandit allows you to condense all of that data under a single brand.


Profit Bandit is currently $10 per month. This makes it the strongest for new Amazon sellers who want quality services at a moderate price.


The Downsides

Despite its expense and flexibility throughout the online market, Profit Bandit is still working through some glitches. Overall, the user experience is not as strong as Scoutify’s, and it still not the most reliable for immediate, up-to-date info. For example, it offers a buy list feature, but it does not then track those purchases’ profits as Scoutify does with Inventory Lab.


Comparing Scanning Bottom Line

If you are a larger company with significant inventory and looking to continuously expand, Inventory Lab’s Scoutify is likely the right choice for you. Despite its price, it offers all of the additional services you need to monitor and track ROI and profitability. Inventory Lab has a number of services that are worth the higher price tag.


If you are just starting out on Amazon or want to remain small for now, Profit Bandit offers similar features at a lower price across multiple selling marketplaces.


We’d love to hear from you! In the comments below, let us know what scouting apps you use and why.  

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